Welcome to the Soul Forge, a place of silent mystery, quiet contemplation, and outright mayhem! Shawn Vanderloo guides you through the adventures of living! We all want to love and be loved. Am I normal? Are you normal? Is happiness possible? Let’s find out together!
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
The Happiness Equation - 123
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
The happiness equation was born out of a feeling of being doomed to unhappiness. As if the universe would not allow joy to exist. The technical name is cherophobia or fear of happiness. It is an attitude towards happiness in which individuals may deliberately avoid experiences that invoke positive emotions or happiness.
There is the belief that when one becomes happy, a negative event will soon occur that will taint that happiness; as if punishing that individual for satisfaction. There are 4 reasons for this feeling. (1) a belief that happiness will cause bad things to happen; (2) that happiness will cause you to become a bad person; (3) that expressing happiness is somehow bad for you and others; and (4) that pursuing happiness is bad for you and others.
We’re designed to suffer in a sense. Natural selection also designed gratification to evaporate and designed us to keep pursuing it desperately after it evaporates. And to try to cling to it, even though that’s impossible.
Our reactions and emotions make us worry. Happiness is the consequence of taming the wild horse that is our mind.
The journey to happiness requires looking into the face of reality. Buddhism focuses on taming the mind and its various delusions, misunderstandings, and cravings. To attain equanimity — a deep sense of well-being and happiness — requires daily learning and practice.
Happiness is not just a dreamy state of mind. It creates measurable outcomes, as demonstrated by various studies:
Happy people have stronger immune systems and tend to live longer.
Happy people are more creative.
Happy people are more collaborative at work.
Happy people are more successful in their personal and professional lives.
Happy people do better in social relationships.
Happy people effectively bounce back from adversity.
Happy people are more accepting of themselves and others.
This week's podcast promo: PWR Spot Show
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
That Made My Day - 122
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Thursday Oct 10, 2019
Talking about those things that make your day. The small, seemingly insignificant moments that add up to so much. Those things that make you say, "that really made my day!"
On this week's episode, Shawn is joined by Deidre. They laugh and carry on and discuss all the things that help us get through our days. Deidre has an amazing practice she calls Priming. She wakes up early, but stays in bed. She spends the time reliving moments of joy in her life. And she finds 3 moments of gratefulness. Picking goals and envisioning them as already done, and feeling the healing light and sending it out into the world are also parts of Priming.
The episode is made possible in part by the assistance of Rene and Heather. They have both been on episodes of Soul Forge before. Their moments 'that made my day' are included in the show.
We finish up by learning about the Hawaiian prayer Ho'oponopono which can help anyone let go of resentment.
This week's podcast promo: NerdBliss
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Climate Change Crusader Girls - 121
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Thursday Oct 03, 2019
Who are the climate crusader girls? They are not a superhero group, but they are super in their own ways. These are young girls who are doing everything in their power to try to save the world. Whether it be fighting for water rights, or preventing climate change, they all have strong voices. This episode is going to tell you a little bit about several of these climate crusader girls. For more information you will need to hop on Google and YouTube. There is a lot of information out there.
After a brief preamble about the latest happenings in my life, I talk a bit about my own thoughts on climate change and saving the world. I also read a Facebook Note that I wrote 11 years ago regarding my worries about oil and gas and the end of civlization. The episode continues on with a bit about some of the climate crusader girls and their lives and what they are passionate about. The episode concludes with the speech Greta Thunberg gave at the recent UN Climate Action Summit.
The Climate Crusader Girls:
Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish activist, has become one of the most visible faces of the climate activism movement. She’s had a particular gift for articulating the seriousness of the climate crisis. She's getting older generations to understand that young people will pay the price for their irresponsible decisions.
Autumn Peltier, a 13-year-old Anishinaabe girl from Wiikwemkoong First Nation in Canada, has been a vocal advocate for protecting water.
Mari Copeny, an 11-year-old from Flint, Michigan. She has been advocating tirelessly for the government to pay attention to the water crisis in her town since she was 8.
Artemisa Xakriabá, a 19-year-old from the Brazilian Amazon, spoke at the climate strike in New York City about the increasing destruction of the land in her part of the world, pointing out that the indigenous people are overwhelmingly affected by climate change.
There’s also Ridhima Pandey. She's an 11-year-old from India, who is among the group of 16 young people around the world (along with Thunberg) who filed a United Nations complaint against five of the world’s largest polluters.
This week's podcast promo: CasterQuest
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
This Version of Reality - 120
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Are we living in the best possible version of reality? Did the decisions that we made when we were younger result in the older version of us being the most content? How can we ever know if we made the correct choices? Can we imagine what life we could be living right now if only we had made a different decision?
Obvioulsy there is no way to peer behind the curtain of reality. We cannot ever hope to know what the alternate reality version of us is doing right this minute. No way to know if that other us is living the life we wish we had. All we can do is speculate and wonder.
On this episode Shawn and Trish talk about the decisions that were made that resulted in the lives they are living now. 16 years ago, Shawn was faced with 3 choices: stay in Timmins, go back to North Bay, or head home to Sault Ste. Marie. Ultimately, he stayed in Timmins and fell in love with Trish and had a family for 9 years until he left. But what if he had moved back to the Soo, or if he had never left Trish. It's speculation time. Are we living in the best possible version of reality?
This episode covers life lessons and the decision to leave Trish. The inability to talk about and process emotions. Also, wanting to take charge of your destiny and be the hero of your own story. We also discuss matching your words to your actions and how this is not always easy to do. And we end the podcast by ruminating on the meaning of love. Are we living in the best possible version of reality?
This week's podcast promo: ThunderTalk
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
At The Crossroads - 119
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
Thursday Sep 19, 2019
My ex-fiance gives me some insight and advice while I stand here at the crossroads. Trish and I were together for 9 years. She has seen me go through quite the transformation over the years. There is probably no one who knows me better. On this week's episode, she tells me like it is. Trish has never been one to hold back on anything.
One of my issues is that I've always felt as if everyone else is better off than I am. This has lead to a certain amount of envy. And also a good amount of self-pity for poor life choices. Trish gives me a fresh perspective on this line of thinking.
We also talk about the feelings of misery and doubt that come when you are at the crossroads in life. We talk about me wanting to update my resume. If I do that, what is the next step? Where will I find a job that gives me the same benefits and advantages that I currently enjoy? I tend to abandon ship and just do anything I can to escape when I feel like I'm at the crossroads of life. I need to consider all my options instead of just closing my eyes and leaping.
And finally, Trish quotes my grandfather's words of wisdom. My Bumpa always said "Make plans, but don't plan the outcome." When you're at the crossroads, these words are important to remember.
This week's podcast promo: Double Edged Double Bill
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Time For A Change - 118
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Thursday Sep 12, 2019
Yup, it's time for a change. When things become stale, old or boring, we must look for a fresh perspective. We cannot continue to live by our old patterns. Like a snake that sheds its skin, we too must start over, begin again. This episode of the Soul Forge will take on the topic of change.
Your host Shawn is joined by his brother Robin, and together they discuss and examine the changes in their lives. Robin has recently changed everything about his life. He had a job, a car, and a house in Sault Ste. Marie. Due to certain circumstances he lost all of those things. He needed to make a change. He could have remained in his hometown, or he could start fresh. Start fresh is what he did. Moving in with his brother Shawn helped Robin financially and emotionally.
Shawn recently turned 43. The seasons are changing. The postal routes are also changing next week and Shawn is forced to change his shift. It is time for a change. Everything needs to change. Shawn would like to leave Timmins. He wants a new job, a new car, a new house. Winning the lottery is not an option, and yet something drastic needs to change in Shawn's life. Perhaps this is a continuation of his recent existential crisis. What changes will Shawn make? Will he stay stuck in familiar patterns? Only time will tell.
This week's podcast promo: The Nerdy Laser
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
DragonCon 2019 - 117
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
DragonCon 2019 is over, but it was an amazing experience. On this episode, Shawn talks about all the adventures experienced, incredible people met, the panels attended, and so much more. DragonCon is held in Atlanta, Georgia over the Labor Day weekend. This was the 33rd event.
To get to Atlanta, Shawn drove his little black car from Timmins, Ontario. He crossed the province of Ontario, and then drove through 5 states. Each way, there and back again, took approximately 22 hours over 2 days. Would he do it again? He certainly would! 4500 kilometres is a long way to go to get your geek on, but totally worth it.
On this episode, you will hear about the celebrity panels Shawn and friends attended. The number of people Shawn met is beyond counting. One of the highlights was meeting Kine Corder from episode 41 of the Soul Forge Podcast. Other highlights include Jarman Day, Mike and Judy Faber, Robert J. Sawyer, Mike Gordon and the rest of the ESO Network crew.
Sweet Tea is amazing.
Don't stay at the Motel 6 in Findlay, Ohio.
Check out Shawn's Facebook page for the DragonCon photo album: https://www.facebook.com/vanderloo
This week's podcast promos: ESO Patreon and Earth Station Who
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Roots Run Deep - 116
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Geek roots run deep.
What is the fake eyeball sneeze story and how does it provide the jump into this episode? You can thank Chantale for this....
Shawn has always been into the worlds of science fiction and fastasy. He also strives for deeper meanings and connections in the world. On this episode, Shawn takes you on a journey into the heart of himself. You will discover why his geek roots run so deep, and where these roots came from, and how they took hold.
Through poetry, collecting, work and the like, Shawn discusses how he has tried to reach other people. The world is a scary and lonely place, but he believes that through common experiences, and a bit of communition, connections with others can be made. For the benefit of self, and the rest of humanity.
This episode is wide ranging. There are so many ideas and topics covered, but some of these are collecting, selling, television, podcasting and toys.
This week's podcast promo: Earth Station One